What We Do
Americans recycle 34 percent of all the waste they create according to the latest report from the
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).$1 Billion dollars of aluminum cans are sent to the landfill every year! Most of us will just allow a Waste Management Agency
haul off our recyclables without giving it second thought. By donating your CRV recyclables to
Helping the Homeless you will not only be helping our environment but the homeless
community as well.
We accept the following CRV recyclable container examples:
Alcohol – Bartles & Jaymes Wine
Coolers, Budweiser, Coors, Corona, Heineken, Franzia Wine Coolers, Smirnoff Ice Spirit
Coolers, Zima. Carbonated and Noncarbonated Fruit drinks – Hi-C, Margarita Mix,
Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider, V8 Splash, Welch’s Sparkling Grape. Carbonated and
Noncarbonated water – Alhambra distilled water, Arrowhead Sparkling water (all
flavors), Calistoga Mountain Spring water, Crystal Geyser Sparkling Mineral water, Evian.
Coffee / Tea – Arizona Iced tea (all flavors), Celestial Seasonings Tea (all flavors), Starbucks
Frappuccino Coffee. Carbonated & Noncarbonated Soft drinks – Coca Cola, Cool Aid
Bursts, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, SoBe Lizard Fuel, Sprite, Yoohoo Chocolate drink, 7-Up.
Vegetable juice – Campbell’s Tomato juice, Hollywood Carrot juice, V8 Vegetable juice.
Sports drinks – All Sport, Chiquita Sports Blast, Gatorade (all flavors).