“I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new doors.”
– Michael Ronald John
“Every dollar received is used for the betterment of every candidate”.
“We believe every person deserves a second chance and sometimes life’s struggles can knock us down, but with a little help they can once again rise to the occasion and persevere”.
–“Having a job is important, but a career can bring personal satisfaction
and an opportunity to achieve the American dream”.
“Candidates have a vested interest in their future and for those that follow in their footsteps”.

To achieve our Mission
Samuel 16:7 “Truly man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart”.
Donate nowWHY WE DO IT:
Rising rents and the lack of affordable housing contribute to the rise in our homeless populations. No one is immune to life’s tragedies as they could befall each of us at any time and without warning. As a result, some end up choosing life on the streets and although living on the streets can be hard, eventually it becomes a way of life! Everyone deserves a second chance but we can’t do it alone, with your help, we can help one person at a time!
On April 29th 2016 after reading an article titled “Finding the American Dream”, a story about a family that had made their riches by establishing a lucrative recycling business. It was then I began to consider pursuing a similar concept, but soon after realized it was for all the wrong reasons on how I could prosper. Over the years I have observed the homeless problem in places like Las Vegas, Phoenix, Portland, Seattle, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara and here in Ventura County and have often thought how could I alone solve such a huge problem? With a lucrative career, family life and personal commitments how would I find the time to pursue such a huge endeavor? As I continued to evade the constant reminders occurring all around me, I realized that although I may not be able to help the entire homeless community, I could certainly help one person at a time!

OUR BEST projects
JOIN our team
“Helping the Homeless, one person at a time”
We provide the bags, along with your recyclables “Help the Homeless”!
After you join, we will mail your recyclable bags.